

Mapping Gender Struggles

Gender as Field of Conflict in Contemporary Social Movements

Gender seems to be a central category of contemporary social movements: It is the core issue of the globally strengthening feminist and queer protests. At the same time, women have become particularly visible as spokespersons and central actors of social movements, as in Fridays for Future and Black Lives Matter or the revolutions in Belarus and Iran. In contrast, gender is a political issue of right-wing mobilization in Europe and worldwide, be it in the sense of an openly articulated anti-feminism or in the appropriation of feminist concerns for racist and nationalist politics. Is this observed centrality of gender actually new or what has changed? And what can we learn from this about current social conditions and crises?

With: Paola Bacchetta (Berkeley), Beate Binder (Berlin), Silvy Chakkalakal (Zurich), Meryem Choukri (Gießen/Warwick), Begonya Enguix-Grau (Barcelona), Agnieszka Graff (Warsaw), Olga Plakhotnik (Greifswald/Kharkiv), Olga Reznikova (Innsbruck), Francis Seeck (Berlin), Mansoureh Shojaee (The Hague), Olga Shparaga (Vienna/Minsk), Manuela Zechner (Jena) among others

23.–25.11.2023 // Munich

Hosted by:

  • Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • The Women’s Academy Munich
  • Commission on Women’s and Gender Research in the German Society for Empirical Cultural Studies (DGEKW)
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